The Importance of Hospice

We are halfway through November, and that means we are halfway through Hospice and Palliative Care Awareness Month! End of life doulas are often called upon to educate our clients about hospice and palliative care options. This can be a tricky topic, because many people believe they understand what hospice care is, but when people […]

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice Partners With IDLM

On the night of April 15, 1975, 21-year-old Karen Ann Quinlan told her roommates she wasn’t feeling well and went to lie down. A few minutes later, someone who went to check on her found her passed out, not breathing. They performed CPR and rushed her to the hospital, but she did not wake up […]

Stages of Grief – Denial

Clients who reach out to engage the services of an end of life doula all have one thing in common—for one reason or another, death is on their mind. More often than not, their death or the death of someone close to them will be happening fairly soon and they know it. This means the […]

Extensive Advance Directive Training is a Win-Win-Win

As an end of life/death educator, I have learned first hand that our role starts “in the now” when it comes to advance care planning. Through my 25 years of death doulaship, I have seen that the doula skill set provides a perfect match to help others with end of life conversations and the questions […]