International Doula Life Movement’s Tree of Life Conference is getting closer and closer!

We have spent a great deal of time these past few weeks introducing the many experts and speakers who will be joining us for our Tree of Life Conference, but we still have one person left. She is a long-time member of IDLM, with insight, enthusiasm, and a great wealth of knowledge that she has been generous to share with the IDLM family, first with a two-part workshop earlier this year, and now by teaching the Grit to Pearl: Blueprint for Business Success course being offered through IDLM. I am referring, of course, to our own Heather Harmon!

From Heather’s bio:

I’ve always been intrigued with death. Not in a weird way, but in a way that somehow brought calm upon my soul when I was in a graveyard (okay…maybe a wee bit weird for some people!). In 2005 I had an experience that continues to haunt me to this day, but as my story unfolded so did my path forward. I dove head first into studying end of life and landed on becoming a death doula. My deep need to help people combined with a relentless determination has led me to today. I’m not only immersed in helping people learn about death doulas but I’m an avid planner and coach.

Heather has a great deal of experience creating and implementing business plans, something that can be intimidating for new doulas who are looking for clients but don’t know where to begin when it comes to running a business. Using her expertise and recommended resources, Heather makes it all feel achievable, taking you through the process of setting both short and long term goals, laying out plans to work toward those goals, and helping find ways to stay on track.

We are thrilled to have Heather as an instructor at IDLM, and we can’t wait to hear what she will share with us at the Tree of Life Conference next month!

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