IDLM partners with Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice to train EOL Doulas

If you’re reading this, you are already aware of how desperate our society is for good end of life care. The average age of the world population is skewing older and older. None of us will live forever, and all of us would like to think that when we get close to the end of our time, we will be well cared for.

To members of IDLM this all seems obvious. Around here we choose to focus on the end of life, on ways to help people have the best possible quality of living in their final months, weeks, and days, and on how to make the final transition a sacred experience for both the dying and their loved ones. 

Out in the wider world, it can feel like death is something you don’t talk about in polite company. But the truth is, the need for good end of life care is becoming an issue that can no longer be ignored. The demand for death doulas is growing every day, and so is the demand for death doula training.

So it is tremendously exciting to announce that IDLM is going to be partnering with Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice to provide training for KAQ hospice volunteers, and employees to become death doulas. The first 70+ hour certification course begins on May 3, with another course of training planned for later this year and more for 2025. These trainings are part of a strategic plan for Quinlan Care Concepts to offer complete end-of-life care services to the community.

Hospice and doulas can benefit one another in so many ways. It is important to remember we are all in this together, to adopt a mindset of teamwork, with an awareness of our clients’ needs and the different strengths we all bring toward filling those needs, as doulas, hospice workers, or whatever other role may be required to bring peace and comfort during the dying process.

This new partnership will benefit not only IDLM and Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice but also all of the patients and the local community. Hopefully, this will only be the beginning, as we all find new ways to connect and help one another in this important work!

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