A Time For Anger

People who are hearing about end of life doula work for the first time often ask what a doula actually does, or what sets a doula’s work apart from standard hospice care. It’s a reasonable question. As we know, the answer to that question can be long and complicated. But I think we can all […]

Whatever You Do… Don’t Panic!

There is a classic science fiction novel you may have heard of, called The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The book itself is not a guide to the galaxy. Instead, it is about the guide, which is an electronic device, a bit like a smart phone except the idea was thirty years before smart phones, […]

Continuing the Journey… Together!

When it comes to helping people on their journeys through end of life and/or grief, no matter howmuch you already know there will always be more to learn. Every person you work with will havesomething to teach you. But it is also your responsibility to show up prepared, with as much knowledgeas possible—your clients will […]